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Balloon Competition at Play Jakarta

Hello friends~!
We will have Balloon tournament next Sunday, May 7th 2017 at Play Jakarta playday.
Venue : Parley Coffe Shop, Patal Senayan no.3, Jakarta.
This event is sponsored by Play Jakarta, a boardgame community in Jakarta. And our friend, Owl Eyewear have kindly provided some prizes for this tournament.
Tournament Prizes are : 1,000,000 Owl Eyewear Vouchers for 2 players.

Detail Competition :
- Using couple mode in Balloon game.
- The player who win first is the winner for each round.
- The tournament will use knock out system (Single Competition Tournament)

Tournament registration : ON  THE SPOT, start 10.30 AM - 13.00 PM
Tournament will begin from 13.30 PM - finished.

If you want to know about this event, please click here 
Fell free to join us ^o^

If you have any question or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us.
Email : feiratochi@gmail.com
Whatsapp : +6289630288628
LINE ID : feiratochi
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram : feiratochi

Thank you for all friends that support us ^o^/
Happy Boardgaming~!

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